Unhappy with the infrared sauna they purchased online.

Felt they should have spent more money for a higher quality infrared sauna.

Wish they would have purchased from a company that specializes in saunas.

Our survey results indicate you get what you pay for when shopping for an infrared sauna online.


If your price range is under $2,500 for a two person infrared sauna you will have a 67% chance of being unhappy with your purchase and a 62% chance you will feel like you should have spent more.  If you purchase from a retailer online that doesn't specialize in infrared saunas you will have a 43% chance of feeling disappointed.


The quality of the wood cabinet makes up over 50% of the cost of your infrared sauna.  Low quality wood often warps, cracks, or emits off-gassing chemicals.   Pay close attention to low priced saunas, they are generally made with the lowest quality wood available.  For more information click here.


Infrared heaters are the second most expensive component of an infrared sauna.  Low quality heaters have been proven to cause FIRE.  Infrared heaters are responsible for producing near, mid and far infrared wavelengths.  Low quality heaters generally don't get past mid, therefore not giving you true far infrared that is so beneficial to the human body.  For more information click here.


Electronics and wiring make up the remaining cost.  Electronics are the most passed over component in an infrared sauna.  Low quality electronics and faulty wiring in infrared saunas are extremely dangerous and have been the root cause of many catching fire.  When a sauna manufacturer decides to cut costs to be competitive, they start with electronics and wiring.  Their logic is, the consumer will never know because it's not a cosmetic change.  Unfortunately this decision has landed many companies in litigation and bankruptcy.  For more information please click here.


In most industries it's safe to purchase a lower quality product like say a TV.  However, we don't know of any TV's that have started people's home on fire like low quality infrared saunas.


focus on quality not price

SHOPPING for an infrared sauna?